Monday, April 8, 2013

Run and EAT!!

Yesterday I joined the Malaysia Woman Marathon sponsored by Nestle fitnesse (u know the cereal? I LOVE it!) It was an amazing experience. I’ll definitely join more marathon in the future. Thanks to my housemate who asked me to join with her :)

 YES I DID IT! 8km Fun Run :)

 I didn't get one like this :(

Later we go makan-makan for dinner because we were too tired from the run to go for lunch. So both of us were just being lazy all day at home. Of course we had a shake so it gives us enough energy to go through the day aaaaannnndddd also faster muscle tissue repair..
I seriously don’t have cramps anymore! Not as what I expected. DEFINITELY due to the shake. Cuz I was quite taken aback by the cramps during the run. So, thank you Herbalife shakes!

We went to SS2 Murni, crowded and full but we managed to get a seat inside. Wee~!
I love it here! the food tasted good , reasonably priced and very well portioned (for the big eaters like us) 

The Menu

Chicken Chop Special - with melted cheese in the middle

 I just wanna get a bun and put these meats in between! Yumms!

Pink Panther - i think it's a combination of ice,soda,watermelon,lychee and coconut water. LOL i dun know..but it comes with nata de coco, watermelon cuts and few longan..MUST TRY!


Thursday, August 30, 2012

Optimistic Thursday

I'm hoping to stay optimistic bout the future after an emo day yesterday..Thus the blog title which is nothing related to this post..=p

k actually just nk post camwhoring photos kat sunway Piramid semalam..we went to shop for my engagement, my Fyza's engagement laa this saturday..i'm gonna be her dulang girl and i just realised in da morning that i dont have a proper shoe..thanks ema for teman-ing me..=D

i'm gonna wear the exact same outfit for the engagement day cuz apparently i don't have any other pink traditional wear =,= i look weird below btw cuz i cant see my expression clearly. but Ema's cute as always.. love her!

Hahahahah.. Muka Ema kena potong!!..hahahaha XD

Btw...Blogging while working is fun! I get so many working ideas when writing/reading blogs..hehehe..

Shhhh..Don't tell my boss!

Judika - Aku Yang Tersakiti

pernahkah kau merasa jarak antara kita

kini semakin terasa setelah kau kenal dia

aku tiada percaya teganya kau putuskan

indahnya cinta kita yang tak ingin ku akhiri

kau pergi tinggalkanku

tak pernahkah kau sadari akulah yang kau sakiti

engkau pergi dengan janjimu yang telah kau ingkari

oh tuhan tolonglah aku hapuskan rasa cintaku

aku pun ingin bahagia walau tak bersama dia

memang takkan mudah bagiku tuk lupakan segalanya

aku pergi untuk dia

tak pernahkah kau sadari akulah yang kau sakiti

engkau pergi dengan janjimu yang telah kau ingkari

oh tuhan tolonglah aku hapuskan rasa cintaku

aku pun ingin bahagia walau tak bersama dia

(walau tak bersama dia)

oh tuhan tolonglah aku hapuskan rasa cintaku

aku pun ingin bahagia walau tak bersama dia

I love this song, reminded me of my story..

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Letting Go (for the i-dont-know-how-many time)

It's really time to let go..
Though i thought we can be normal/good friends..
We both still have feelings for each other..
and me for once, can't handle it..
i'm jealous..

i'm super jealous to be exact..
Hishh tak boleh la..
when he talks about his wife..
when he said he's going to Johor..
when he said he wish i can be his 2nd wife one day..
then something inside me snapped..
oh NO NO NO..
this is NOT HAPPENING!!!
I pray to Allah to pls not let this happen..
Tuhan tolong bimbing aku keluar dari jalan kesesatan ini..
tolong kuatkan hati utk melawan nafsu ini..

but i don't know how to do it.
ignore him completely?
still text him?
i don't know..
i really don't know..
i wish i can run away to Ipoh and stay there forever..
or i wish someone would take my hand, marry me, and bring me somewhere out of KL..
like penang ke..
not Johor, not KL..definitely not KL..

Why it is so hard to wave goodbye??

All i want to say to him is..

I want to end this for good. Please respect my decision and don't text me..

i've said my goodbyes so many times..
i've put down my white flags so many times..
still he came back..
still my heart dokidoki for him..

Maybe i don't pray hard enough..
Maybe i have not asked hard enough..

But O Allah..
This is my only intention..
to let him go..
pls let my jodoh be someone else..
i don't want to break a relationship..
especially a marriage..

Please Ya Allah..Please help your weak servant..

Friday, August 24, 2012

Herbalife Independent Distributor

Salam All,

I am proud to announce that i am now officially a HERBALIFE INDEPENDENT DISTRIBUTOR!

Located in Taman Desa, close to Mid Valley city, Bangsar, Petaling Jaya and Jalan Klang Lama.

Feel free to ask anything about Herbalife.

I'm working on being a wellness coach and currently on my journey to a healthier 55kg me!


Also, Salam Aidilfitri 2012 from me.. ;)
 Much love <3>

Thursday, August 9, 2012

A Friend Date


Dah sampai dah 10 hari terakhir ramadhan..

tup2..tkleh pose pulak..haha..

Alhamdulillah goal tercapai la jugak kecuali bace quran ngn bgun qiamullail..
aduhaii susahnyeee nak bgun n luangkn masa nak bce quran..
sahur pun kadang2 skip sbb penat sgt..
ape kehey la nadhirah.......
moge2 pas suci nnt dpt pertingkatkan lagi mutu ramadhanku..

hmm a lot of things in my mind recently..
many things happened which needs consideration..

but most recently i met him..gosh i missed him..but we're in good place friends..
i love seeing him being this happy..
he lost quite some weight..dulu byk je makan i kacau him..hihi..
he just laughed with undescripable look in his eyes..
but..ape2 pun he looks happy..n that's most important to me..
me, i'm happy being in this friendship..regardless of what everyone will say..
cuz i was miserable not able to know how is he doing..

Dear God, let me love him from afar..
for his happy eyes and smile is my happiness..
the pain is somewhat bearable now..
for your love, God i will stand strong.

ni yg ktorg makan..

Nasi Kandar Kayu Ampang..
Sedap giler weh kuah die yet i cant finish it..sayang betol..

After makan we went to line up dkt Baskin Robbin..omigosh i shudve taken some pics of the line..
cray cray, mannn..
so we waited for around 7 mins then decided to go..its not worth it, just a scoop anyway..just RM7..takyah nak bazir masa beratur sgt laaaahhh..hahaha..

okeh once again some pics from my ramadhan so far..hehe..kenangannn...

berbuka dgn sabby after slimming sanctuary - redeem voucher tahannnn pastu mkn nasi goreng+chatime!!!! XD

biskut oreo black beauty yg blom dibakar..yg dh bakar dh abis ngap lupe nk snap pics..=p

resepi plg senang di sodapppp sgt!

hi this is Emma my best friends in office AKA my teammate..

p/s : weekend ni kena paksa HNSH change my header and not me anymore..

ok baiiii~~~xoxo

Friday, August 3, 2012


i feel so bengong today..

my week is too tiring for words..

i'm praying for Allah to give me strengh..

mentally, spiritually and physically..

Few pics from Ramadhan 2012 so far~